Ellie Baker is an Educational Consultant, Supervisor, Senior Lecturer & Trainer, Consultant and Trainer in Parenting and Communication Skills, and International Key Note Speaker. She has worked for over 30 years in mental health and well-being, education, therapy, consultancy, supervisory practice, social care and socially engaged community arts projects. During these 30 years Ellie has worked with children, adolescents and adults across a variety of settings, including Education, APs, Community, CAMHS and hospitals, as well as in private practice. 

Ellie specialises in the effective application of research from neuroscience, creativity and imagination, trauma-theory, polyvagal theory, attachment theory, natural schooling and biophilia in therapy and education.

Ellie is a UKCP registered Integrative Child Psychotherapist and has an MA in Illustration. She has been a Chair for The Centre for Child Mental Health for over 15 years and regularly presents for CCMH at conferences. As Head of Psychological Health and Well Being for WAVE Multi Academy Trust, she worked across 7 Alternative Provisions, a Special School, 2 Hospital schools and a Psychiatric Unit.

Ellie created the ‘Colour Me Wild’ programme to support children’s engagement with and attachment to nature through the arts and LOTC as a response to the rises in climate emergency related anxiety.